Oct 15, 2022


Several years ago, I was one of those guys who didn't know how to flirt

I would try of course, and the reactions would invariably be so inert

Xenon, Argon, Neon, Radon and Krypton, even they weren't so curt 

Yet, I persevered, because at least in my head, I was smart and funny

Even as those around me grimaced, every time I said something pun-ny

After all, I did have true friends who could grin and bear it with a smile

Rare creatures those, who have managed to put up with me all this while

Some of them so cheerful, they could make a cloudy day feel quite sunny!   

All those years of practice helped, when I finally had to step up my game

Gone were the hesitation, the shyness, the jokes which were oh-so-lame

One funny, sappy, quirky rhyme and I finally managed to impress the dame!

She still can't believe she fell for that, she still keeps asking herself why... 

Her mind tricked her into accepting, she tells herself a comforting lie

Even after all these years, she doesn't know whether to laugh or to cry!      

Something like magic cannot be explained by logic, only be seen

As she remembers the lunch by the beach, quite a lovely scene 

In just a fortnight since they met, she felt some chemistry so keen

Divine intervention, or destiny, she still wonders what does it mean

Yet, she definitely saw something in him, something she can't quite explain

Even she doesn't know why she said yes, much as she racks her brain!

So she tells herself, better to go with the flow, not search for logic in vain...  


PS1: It's been six years since my stupid rhyme skills got me the best possible prize. A girl who said yes! It's a day I try to honor, by writing more stupid rhyme!

PS2: As the years go by, I realize that love is not about the grand gestures. It is the little things. Like a blog in memory of the big day. Or at least, that's my sorry excuse for just writing this and not buying something expensive ;)  

1 comment:

  1. Muralidhar12:48 AM

    You are a smart Alec my son.You can play with words.If the dictionary has 4 meanings for each word you have 14 of them. From where they come God alone knows.I now feel I understand even Sashi Tharoor
    well but not you .keep going young man but don't ever repeat them ever again.You know what I mean..them stupid rhymes
